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Vishnu Priya Sai Ramesh

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Hometown: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Contact Email:


Major(s): Master of Architecture + Master of Community & Regional Planning

Minor: Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems

Currently in COD: Teaching Assistant | CRP Faculty Student Representative

Research Interests: Designing Urban spaces that focuses on Equity & Sustainability  – Social, Racial and Environmental | Politics in Urban Life | Land Use Planning & Policy | Happy and Smart Cities | ArcGIS and Python coding

General Interests: Art | Driving – Car, Bike, Flight | Love to explore new places by walk | Photography | Gardening

Undergraduate degree: Bachelors of Architecture, Anna University

Undergraduate Thesis: Material Exploration Centre, Chennai
Guide and Mentors in my B.Arch: Dr Kalai Selvi & Ar Vennila T

Work experience: 2.5 years ( 1 year internship + 1.5 years after graduation) in Hospital design, Acoustical design, Residential, Commercial design, educational facilities, Campus planning and Interior design for IIT Madras, Site & project Management, Budgeting, Material selection etc.

Plans for the future: I believe in equitable living. A balance between nature and nurture of urban developments and spaces and quality of living to all. People are shaped by their infrastructure around them, therefore environmental, social, and racial inequality can and should be changed. And as an architect with an urban planning mind, I wish to add my touch of ideology into this world. In my B.Arch, I worked on an urban design housing and infrastructure design project in a neighborhood of various demographic and social inequality. Breaking the usual apartment culture and designing spaces where people are “embraced to interact with their neighbors.” This project played a significant role in pursuing my career as an architect and urban planner. I want to work more on such projects that address such inequalities and give them an opportunity for a better living.

What do you enjoy most about your major? I really love that the students are so diverse and that the faculties are very supportive. I also love the flexibility to explore things academically.

Academic Works: I was very excited to participate representing Iowa State University in Design Futures Council Academy Webcast: Reinforcing the Bridge Between Academia and Practice on April 15, 2021, a national event where a panel of professionals and a panel of students talked about professional communities, the legacy of covid-19, and what values are more important for students as they evaluate offers from firms. I am thankful to Luis Rico-Gutierrez for considering me for this opportunity.

I am currently working on a research project “Civic Engagement Living Lab” and “PLAY AMES” under the guidance of Alenka Poplin, “How can sensory design be used as an engagement strategy in minority neighborhoods to enhance connectivity and sustainability within the community?” – it started in summer 2021 and continued into fall 2021.

September 21, 2021 12:42 pm

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