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Department of

Landscape Architecture

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture


All incoming undergraduate students enter as pre-majors, complete the college’s first-year Core Design Program, then apply for admission to the four-year professional Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) degree program.

The professional BLA curriculum is studio-based. Studios take place every semester and typically meet for four hours each, two or three days per week. During studio, you will have time to work on projects and interact one-on-one with your professor.

A number of other classes are lecture/lab-oriented, where you gain specific technical knowledge. Examples include:

  • LA 282: Landscape Dynamics and Design
  • LA 481: Landscape Construction

Students in our program participate in our one-of-a-kind traveling Savanna Studio during their first semester in the major. To earn their degrees, students must complete an internship, study abroad or student exchange program. Landscape architecture professional electives are also required.

Curriculum Sheets and General Education Courses

General Education Courses

Landscape Architecture students may fulfill General Education requirements with any approved course from the LAS General Education Approved Course List, except courses within the College of Design: ARCH, ART H, ARTGR, ARTIS, ARTID, CRP, DSN S, DES, IND D., LA, do not fulfill General Education requirements.