Assistant Professor
Hans Klein-Hewett
Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture
Mailing Address
Landscape Architecture Department
158 College of Design
Ames, IA, 50011
Contact Information
Phone: (515) 294-2197
Office: 380 Design
BLA, Iowa State University, 2005
MLA, Cornell University, 2009
Supporting Files
Research Interests
Rural Parks and Recreation
- Rural park classification systems
- Rural parks as quality-of-life amenities
- Park distribution and park planning
- Park equity in rural spaces
Landscape Tourism
- History of landscape tourism
- Design of tourism spaces
- Scenic tourism and landscape tourism
Landscape Architecture Pedagogy
- Experiential learning
- Construction detailing through experiential learning
Current Projects
Rural Parks and Recreation
- Classifying rural parks based on resources and amenities: a multi-county study
- Rural park distribution: utilizing rural park classifications as a model for equitable park planning
- An Almost Perfect Memory (An update to JB Jackson's "An Almost Perfect Town")
Landscape Architecture Pedagogy
- Utilizing a flipped-classroom approach for construction detailing: experiential learning and digital documentation for landscape architects